I Help Publishers Brands People stand out with UNIQUE & CUSTOM LETTERING that captures their essence and enhances their appeal

I help Brands stand out with UNIQUE & CUSTOM LETTERING that captures their essence and enhances their appeal

Marta Piedra is a lettering artist, illustrator and author with a tendency to share openly and help normalize taboos.

Based on questions posed by adolescents in sexuality workshops held in secondary schools, this book serves a dual purpose: it allows parents to firsthand understand the topics that truly concern their sons and daughters, and it enables adolescents themselves to know, accept, and value their bodies. This ensures they always make decisions respecting their own bodies, explore pleasure in a positive and fulfilling manner, and learn how to cultivate healthy relationships.

An essential work for achieving a healthy awakening of sexuality, thanks to the rigorous information provided by psychologist and sexual education expert Lara Castro-Grañén, combined with the humor of illustrator Marta Piedra.

Read more about it here

Now in Portuguese!

30 Days of Wine Label Design is a challenge by Marta Piedra, an artist and typographer. Since 25th May to 30th June, a new wine label design has been posted daily (or at least regularly), showcasing the fusion of art and functionality that wine labels embody.

Read professional advice and personal stories on my blog (spanish version)

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